Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Waiting for the 5:45

Oh friends, I know I've been a very inconsistent blogger; I'm so far behind in all the things I've been wanting to tell you. Right now I have just 10 minutes or so until the 5:45p bus back to Ciudad Colón. I'm sitting on the cafeteria patio, looking out at the mountains in the twilight. Because of the rain, it's not often we get a relatively clear view at this time. Right now it's merely cloudy and there are flashes of lightening in the distance. Past the trees at the bottom of the hill there are amber lights from houses and towns in the distance and they get more sparsely scattered as the mountains get steeper. It is just so beautiful.
I'm half listening to a conversation in French between a couple of African students and a student from the US. I've almost finished my Power Point presentation on GZT, a German development organization. On my way home I'll stop at the verdulería and pick up a tomato and some kind of green vegetable to make dinner. I'll read my assignment for tomorrow on education for special needs learners, work on our group presentation (educational reform under Michelle Rhee in DC) and read a little bit of North & South before I fall asleep.
As I walk across the little bridge towards my house I'll say to myself as I do every day, "I live in Costa Rica. I'm a student at the University for Peace getting a Master's degree in Peace Education. I am exactly where I want to be."
Here's the bus.


littlegreenhouse said...

It makes me feel better about the world and the earth and the future to know that you are exactly where you should be, and to daydream about all that you're going to do after your year in Costa Rica is over.

Alyce Barry said...

That's a great feeling, "being where you should be." And how wonderful to be in a place of such physical beauty. Here in Chicagoland where most of the beautiful fall leaves fell during extreme wind earlier in the week, it's beginning to look more like winter, and I envy you the gorgeous greenery around you.

Unknown said...

Sooooooo happy you're happy Sara. You really give hope to all of us. can't wait to walk across that bridge and say "I'm in Costa Rica with Sara!" It has to happen!