Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Making Chapati

I learned to make chapati in Burundi but then I must have forgotten because the chapati I made when I got here was all kinds of wrong. So one night Diana M. (left & right) came over along with Kendra (center, who will be moving into Mai's old room) and we all made chapati together. The soda in the background was left over from the potluck. This is my kitchen, by the way. Our chapati was delicious, which reminds me, I'd like to make some more.

1 comment:

Alyce Barry said...

I'm intrigued by the similarity in the words chapati (presumably from India) and ciabatta (from Italy), both words for bread. Could there be a reason for the similarity I wonder. I buy rolls at Trader Joe's that are called ciabattini, I guess because they're smaller than a full loaf of ciabatta.