From the front left Diana (Canada), Celine (Rwanda), me, Gobina (Cameroon), Rose (US), Destiny (US), Mackenzie (US), Marianne (Costa Rica). 2nd row from left. Rosemary (Zambia), Virginia (Philippines), Mercedes (Argentina), Camila (Colombia), Chisato (Japan), Ignatius (Zambia), Niina (Finland), Jessica (US- her sister was a wardrobe intern for Arabian Nights!), Maham (Pakistan/Canada), Carolyne (Costa Rica), Myo (Myanmar), Maricelly (US/Puerto Rico), Haru (Canada/Japan). The pink flags on the map show all the places we are from and as you can see, several people locate themselves in more than one country.
I am famous for my striped boots.
I'm caught up on reading your blog and look forward to hearing more as your time there lengthens. Judging by the photo your Programme consists of people with good hearts who are serious about making the world better.
This comment will likely sound idiotic, but when I hear about all the reading you're doing, which of course one would expect for any graduate degree, I find myself wondering if they will be offering in addition experiential ways to study the state of peace in the world, including exercises in the various groups to draw out people's different perspectives on peace, watching informal films about people working for peace in other lands, improv, whatever.
no wonder you are known for your boots. They Rock!
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